Dematerialization: EDM at the heart of the construction sector

An imperative evolution

Long perceived as a sector with a high intensity of manual labor and multiple paper documents, Building and Public Works (BTP) is no longer an exception to digitalization. The need to optimize processes, improve collaboration between stakeholders and achieve regulatory compliance (example: electronic invoicing) is pushing many companies to adopt new solutions.

Dematerialization, which consists of converting paper documents and processes into digital formats, is thus establishing itself as an essential solution for modernizing the sector, perpetuating relationships with employees but also accelerating the exchange of documents with site managers.

Deadlines, budget, procurement... the challenges in construction are complex but GED is there to answer them!

construction document management

The limits of traditional document management in construction

A construction project generates a large quantity of documents, including invoices, purchase orders, contracts, plans, technical documents, site reports, etc.

These documents have to pass between several sites, company departments and managers, inevitably highlighting the limits of paper document management.

  • Waste of time searching for documents
  • Readability problem, re-entry error or missing information
  • Poor accessibility of documents remotely
  • Loss of traceability in version tracking
  • Slowness in validation circuits: signature, payment, etc.
  • Financial costs linked to paper storage
  • Risks related to data security & confidentiality (loss, theft, fire, etc.)

The benefits of dematerialization and EDM

Adopting dematerialization and an Electronic Document Management (EDM) solution offers numerous advantages:

Simplified document searches and sharing

One of the advantages of EDM lies in its principle of centralization which makes it possible to efficiently collect, store and classify in a single place the documents associated with a project: drawing, plan, schedule, contracts, purchases, supplies, etc.

Ultimately, the advanced search functionalities of the GED make it possible to locate and consult a document in a few seconds, and to obtain total visibility on the construction site.

Such a documentary archiving solution makes it possible to facilitate access to documents and to deliberate on the same level of information for all project stakeholders (project managers, project owners, architects, subcontractors, etc.) wherever they find each other and whatever support they use, leading to the smooth running of operations in the field.

As you will have understood, teams gain significant time and productivity!

Dematerialization and GED BTP

Strengthened security and compliance

EDM systems offer advanced security features, such as access control, data encryption and action traceability. They also help comply with data retention and protection regulations. Generally speaking, dematerializing your construction site documents helps avoid losses and theft.

Traceability is a key functionality that serves as evidence to challenge any objections related to the construction project.

Eco-responsible commitment

In the construction sector, environmental regulations are increasingly important, and reducing the carbon footprint of buildings is the key objective!

Consequently, reducing the use of paper is essential, and companies that have not resolved to do so are exposed to a deterioration of their image, leading to a drop in attractiveness to partners, investors, public markets. , etc.

In this context, adopting an EDM solution makes it possible to reduce or even gradually eliminate the use of paper.

Practical cases GED BTP

Example of uses of EDM in construction

Automated invoice management

A medium-sized construction company decides to dematerialize its invoices and integrate them into a GED system. Before going paperless, processing invoices took several days and involved multiple manual checks. After implementing the EDM system, invoices are automatically scanned, recognized by OCR (optical character recognition) software and routed for approval. Processing times are reduced by 50%, data entry errors are minimized and suppliers are paid faster.

Sharing of plans and technical documents

On a large construction project, several teams (architects, engineers, subcontractors) must access the same plans and technical documents. Before going paperless, each team often worked on outdated paper versions, leading to costly construction errors. By adopting a GED solution, all documents are centralized and accessible in real time. Updates are instantly available to all teams, ensuring everyone is working with the most up-to-date information.

Document security and compliance

A construction company operating in several countries must comply with different regulations regarding data retention and protection. By using an EDM solution, it can implement strict security policies, control access and ensure that documents are retained according to legal requirements. In the event of an audit, the company can quickly provide the necessary documents, demonstrating compliance.

Customer case study - GESEC

GESEC , which brings together 438 SMEs specializing in Climate Engineering and Electrical Engineering, has initiated a roadmap to support the digital transformation of its members, prepare managers for future challenges, and improve data management.

Belharra Numérique proposed an innovative approach consisting of deploying a shared document management solution for each member, designed by GESEC in collaboration with members.

Discover the case study

DocuSales'Flow BTP

Docu'SalesFlow & BTP

Developed by Belharra Numérique, Docu'SalesFlow is a solution designed to meet the specific needs of the sales administration department of construction companies. The module automates file management and recovery tasks, simplifies the customer journey and strengthens business performance.

A customer testimonial highlights the effectiveness of this solution with an observed and measured reduction of 50% in customer outstandings in just 3 months.

Docu'SalesFlow has connectors that allow it to meet interfacing needs with your ERP & accounting software: Codial, Onaya, Sage Batigest, etc.

Discover Docu'SalesFlow