How can electronic signature revolutionize business?

Electronic signature is revolutionizing business

We have all been faced with the tedious task of printing a document, signing it manually, then scanning it to send back by email…

However, in the digital age, it is time to opt for electronic signature for several key reasons: saving time, reducing costs associated with manual signing, limiting paper waste, strengthening the security of your documents and ensure their traceability. 

electronic signature icon

Key tips for switching to electronic signature


To do this, it is important to remember the various levels of security available for documents: 

Simple signature : this method is equivalent to handwritten electronic signature (such as scanning a document with a manual signature). Although its legal value is limited, it is useful for simplifying internal processes, such as authorizations, orders or contracts.

Advanced electronic signature : this is the method most commonly used by companies as it allows the signatory to be identified and the integrity of the signed document to be guaranteed. It is often used for real estate transactions or life insurance contracts.

Qualified electronic signature : this is the most technically and legally reliable method, requiring validation of the identity of the signatory by a certification authority. It is used for very specific cases such as notarial acts or calls for tenders for public contracts.

To find out more about these different types of electronic signature, you can consult the guide


It is essential to be aware of local legal requirements regarding electronic signatures to ensure the legal validity of your documents. This implies that your documents have a binding legal force which imposes rights and obligations on the people who sign them.  

In France; electronic signature tools must comply with the security and confidentiality standards of the European Union eIDAS Regulation , as well as the requirements of the GDPR.


It is recommended to use specialized tools to ensure the integrity of electronically signed documents, particularly for sales or employment contracts. Among the most popular is Docuware . By using this electronic signature software, you can ensure that your documents are legally binding and valid in the eyes of the law, while providing the benefit of storing signed documents online for optimal traceability.

+ A certified solution for maximum security: the Docuware solution has ISO 27001 certification which guarantees the security of the information contained in documents. As well as NGF552 certification, a guarantee of the archiving and processing of personal data in a confidential and secure manner.

Belharra Numérique 1st skills center & Platinum Partner Docuware.

The benefits of electronic signature

Adopting electronic signature ensures the security of your documents, speeds up your transactions, improves your productivity and optimizes the management of your operations while respecting current standards and regulations

Electronic signature improves your operational processes :

  • Increases work efficiency 
  • Reduces printing and mailing expenses
  • Provides proof of an authentic signature 
  • Eliminates the risk of unauthorized modifications 
  • Save time with automatic reminders
  • Promotes better record keeping 
  • Improves remote workflow
  • Increases document reliability 
  • Facilitates document retrieval


The benefits of electronic signature