Best practices for a successful document management project

Hold the keys!

Implementing a document management project is structuring for a company, and can seem complex. DocuWare, a leading publisher of EDM & Workflow solutions, helps you see things more clearly and offers you feedback on the implementation of a transversal EDM project with its client Evernext.

This replay will allow you to have answers to the following questions:

  • Project objectives and definition of needs
  • Choice of solution: on what criteria?
  • Implementation of the project: timing, teams involved, prerequisites
  • Advice/best practices from our client Evernext
  • What are the benefits upon arrival?  

Belharra Numérique, your trusted DocuWare integrator partner

Belharra Numérique is the leading DocuWare production capacity in France, with a team of 17 certified consultants, 150 active clients and more than 200 projects over the last few years. 

Belharra, Platinum Partner DocuWare, supports you in your dematerialization projects.

  • National presence
  • Networking
  • Certified team
  • Continuous innovation approach