Women in digital at Belharra

“Being a digital woman for me is completely normal!”

belharra digital women's rights day 2023

In a context where the share of women in tech was only 15% in 2020 (according to INSEE), Belharra wants to be inclusive and avant-garde. In fact, for 3 years, the company has been following the professional equality index, which now makes it possible to achieve stability between the percentage of men and women. Belharra thus has exemplary stability of almost 50%!   

The main challenge of this stability is not only to be in agreement with Belharra's values ​​but also to encourage future young workers to choose IT and engineering sectors. Today, we see only 17.2% of young women in IT specialty classes and engineering cycles.   


Out of a team of 55 people, there are 24 women, with different profiles, skills and qualities, who enrich our team. They are represented:  

48% in the positions of project managers & consultants 

43% in technical engineering positions 

50% for support & management functions 

What contribution does a woman make to a digital company?

As Sarah, marketing manager at Belharra, said, “Women and men have different visions and sensitivities and the complementarity of the two allows for a balance to be able to support the change towards an innovative and sustainable digital model.  »

An effective model in a rapidly expanding digital world and which therefore requires all possible skills. 

To respond to these challenges, initiatives support parity in the digital sector

This is the case of  femmes@numérique which supports actions to combat stereotypes and encourage girls to pursue careers in digital professions. Their objective is to raise massive awareness among the general public, public and private organizations, businesses, public authorities, training and education stakeholders.

232,000 jobs will be created in digital between 2017 and 2027 in ESN and ICT! 

With the rapid development of digital, jobs are multiplying and the sector is struggling to recruit. By being predominantly made up of men, digital technology is therefore deprived of both talent and economic growth. According to the McKinsey firm, achieving parity could even generate 10% more GDP in France by 2025.   

An effective model in a rapidly expanding digital world and which therefore requires all possible skills. 

We interviewed our colleagues! Find out what a digital woman is according to the women of Belharra!