Integrate AI into your EDM for high-performance document management

Towards increased dematerialization

The dematerialization of documents via EDM solutions has become essential for companies seeking operational productivity. However, this is no longer enough, and in a world where every second counts, EDMs must integrate Artificial Intelligence modules to meet the growing needs of businesses. This is what we call “augmented dematerialization”

For information, since 2017, France has invested more than 2.5 billion euros in Artificial Intelligence. This investment is notably due to a clear observation… for 84% of professionals, automation tools such as AI offer are synonymous with saving time. Moreover, 9 out of 10 companies say that Artificial Intelligence allows them to have a competitive advantage over their competitors. (source:

limits of the GAD

The limits of traditional document management

As we've explained, traditional EDM solutions have challenges that AI can address.

Data Volume and Complexity

Simply digitizing documents is not enough to manage the growing volume and complexity of data that businesses must process on a daily basis.

Information Search and Extraction

Manually searching and extracting information from scanned documents can be laborious and error-prone.

Security and Compliance

Ensuring the security of digitized documents and their compliance with current regulations (such as GDPR) is a complex and time-consuming task.

The benefits of AI integrated into EDM

Over time, Electronic Document Management solutions have had to integrate Artificial Intelligence in order to optimize their basic functionalities or to add them.

On the one hand, AI focused on document processing makes it easier and faster to read, visualize and understand thanks to learning mechanisms.

On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence has the capacity to manage a large volume of data. This task could not, under normal circumstances, be undertaken by a company's teams.

AI document management advantages

Advanced information extraction

Thanks to character recognition technologies (OCR), AI is able to extract information from a damaged, deteriorated or blurred document, which was written in a typed or handwritten manner (HTR).

Automatic populating of index fields

AI also provides an understanding of the content written on a document and automatically transcribes it into indexes which allow the document to be fully qualified. This functionality proves valuable when a company must process a large quantity of documents, and therefore becomes a real performance lever.

Intelligent document classification

One of the fundamental benefits of AI is the classification of information and documents in general. These recognition features allow it to automatically classify documents according to their nature and different criteria.

For example, it is possible to analyze thousands of invoices and classify them automatically according to supplier, date, amount, etc.

Intelligent document search


Smart Search

Secondly, the integration of AI such as ChatGPT would greatly facilitate the search for documents and exploit the metadata of the latter. The quality of the prompt must, however, be there.

An employee could, therefore, ask ChatGPT to show them a specific legal document, summarize it, then translate it into English so that they can send it to another employee in a subsidiary at the same time. stranger.

In a learning context, the user of an EDM solution can ask ChatGPT how to import scanned documents.

Document sensitivity study

A DMS equipped with AI will be able to benefit from increased security. Indeed, advanced algorithms can detect the presence of personal data (last name, first name, etc.) and alert those responsible in the event of non-compliance with GDPR directives.

Thus, the collection of documents and associated information becomes increasingly precise and controlled in order to comply with current regulations.

These advantages ultimately bring concrete benefits:

  • time saving
  • an increase in productivity
  • better compliance with regulations
  • an improvement in the user experience.

Document management is therefore no longer limited to storing and retrieving information, but to exploiting this data to generate business value.

Thus, document management is no longer simply about storing and retrieving information, but about exploiting this data to create added value for the company.

The challenges of AI

Despite multiple benefits, AI still faces several challenges around the use of data and its ethical and legal aspects.

Verification and control

It is important to realize that Artificial Intelligence remains an aid tool which must always be subject to verification concerning the information transmitted and the tasks carried out by it. As they say, “trust does not exclude control”.

AI issues in document management

Data reliability and quality

The effectiveness of AI systems depends heavily on the quality of the data they are trained on. Incomplete, incorrect or biased data can lead to errors in document processing and analysis.

Furthermore, in order to take full advantage of Artificial Intelligence technologies, it is necessary to expose them to an ever-increasing volume of data. This makes it possible to build a database on which they can practice and, ultimately, improve the reliability and precision of their algorithms.

Ethics and legality

Even if AI can increase security, the use of its functionalities for indexing and classification carries the risk of extracting nominative or confidential data, which can pose problems of compliance with laws and regulations (GDPR ). It is therefore essential to develop AI algorithms taking into account the categorization of information according to their level of sensitivity, in order to minimize the risks of leakage of personal data and confidential information.

DocuWare and Native.AI

DocuWare, a DMS that embeds AI

Since April 2024, DocuWare , leader in document management and workflow automation solutions, has decided to implement cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence in its EDM by acquiring the start-up .

The objective is clear: “to go even further in document recognition. ".

Once the document is injected into the DocuWare EDM, it is read and recognized using the OCR and HTR functionalities of the AI ​​module.

It is then subjected to “cropping” and “slipping” technologies which allow the documents to be optimally prepared for their subsequent processing. If several documents are scanned together, the module recognizes the respective documents and divides them again into individual PDFs (splitting). Documents scanned crooked are cropped.  

Then comes the classification step which allows you to organize several documents according to their type and sort them accordingly.

Thus, the module can classify incoming invoices, delivery notes or contracts in the appropriate category.

Finally, depending on the class of the document identified, the data from the latter is extracted. On a contract, these can be: the date, third parties, amounts, etc.

Belharra Numérique, your trusted DocuWare integrator partner

Belharra Numérique is the leading DocuWare production capacity in France, with a team of 17 certified consultants, 150 active clients and more than 200 projects over the last few years. 

Belharra, Platinum Partner DocuWare, supports you in your dematerialization projects.

  • National presence
  • Networking
  • Certified team
  • Continuous innovation approach