Mandatory electronic invoicing: How to prepare now?

Don't let the requirement for electronic invoicing catch you off guard!

Prepare for a total immersion in the world of electronic invoicing during this round table bringing together no less than 4 market experts: Pitney Bowes, Sage, Docuware and Yooz.

Discover the implications of this new regulation and learn how to ensure your compliance effectively. 

On the program:

– The fundamentals

– The benefits : reduced administrative costs, faster payments and improved operational efficiency

– Procedures and good practices for its implementation 

– Challenges and opportunities

Don't miss this crucial opportunity to prepare for the electronic invoicing requirement.

Belharra Digital Platinum Partner DocuWare

Belharra Numérique, your trusted DocuWare integrator partner

Belharra Numérique is the leading DocuWare production capacity in France, with a team of 17 certified consultants, 150 active clients and more than 200 projects over the last few years. 

Belharra, Platinum Partner DocuWare, supports you in your dematerialization projects.

  • National presence
  • Networking
  • Certified team
  • Continuous innovation approach