Bill-X: Everything about this electronic billing format

Invoic-x at the heart of electronic invoicing

The year 2026 will mark a major turning point for nearly 4 million French companies with the entry into force of the electronic billing . This reform aims to modernize trade and strengthen the fight against tax fraud. Among the recommended electronic billing formats, the billing is distinguished as a hybrid solution, combining human readability and automatic data exploitation. But what is this format precisely and why is it essential for companies? Let us dive into the details of this innovation.

What is that invoice

What is a billing-X?

The billing-X is a “hybrid” electronic invoice format which has been developed within the framework of a Franco-German project in order to comply with the invoices to the European standard in 16931 and at the FNFE-MPE (National Forum of Electronic Invoice and Electronic Public Procurement).

This project aims to facilitate transition to electronic invoicing by providing both accessibility to human users and easy integration in electronic management and archiving systems.

The technical structure of a billing-x

The billing is based on a PDF/A-3 file which has a structured XML file. This XML follows the Cross Industry Invoice (CII) standard, allowing interoperability between different accounting systems and management software.

Here are the main technical characteristics of an invoic-x invoice:

  • PDF/A-3 format : a format readable by humans containing "the image of the invoice" and the compulsory mentions. 3rd archiving and guarantees the authenticity of the document.
  • Integrated XML file : it contains structured invoice data, which facilitates the extraction and automated data processing. This “structured” part allows in particular to be analyzed by invoicing software and PDP.

This structure guarantees conformity while ensuring immediate legibility, unlike purely XML formats.

Bilk-X structure
Electronic invoicing

Billed in the context of electronic invoicing of 2026?

The electronic invoicing reform is based on the transmission of structured invoices to tax administrations and business partners via PDP (partner dematerialization platforms). The billing-x perfectly meets this requirement thanks to its advantages:

  • Regulatory compliance: it meets the European standard and easily integrates with tax requirements.
  • Interoperability: it is compatible with several management and ERP software.
  • Increased automation: It allows automated invoice processing thanks to the integrated XML data.
  • Accessibility: The PDF part remains readable by humans, facilitating transition to 100 % electronic billing.

The invoic-X data profiles

The Bill-X offers several levels of data structuring, called data profiles, in order to adapt to the needs of supplier invoices for companies. There are five main ones:

  1. Minimum : it only includes essential information of an invoice (SIRET, total amount HT/TTC, percentage of VAT, date, invoice number). However, it is not one of the variants accepted for electronic invoicing of 2026.
  2. Basic WL (Without Lines) : It includes the "minimum" profile data as well as the information present in the top and foot of the invoice to facilitate automated processing: delivery references, payment method, ordering number ...
  3. Basic : It includes the data of the "Basic WL" profile as well as those on the lines of invoices: article reference, quantity, unit price excl.
  4. Comfort : It includes the 165 fields of the standard EN16931 whose compulsory information of invoices and the new mentions provided for by the reform of electronic invoicing.
  5. Extended : the most complete profile, it contains the data in the "Comfort" profile as well as additional data to meet the specific needs of certain companies. We find in particular the data in the case of an invoice which includes several different delivery vouchers.

Thanks to these profiles, each company can choose the level of information adapted to its needs and its level of automation.

The advantages of a billing-X for companies

  • Progressive and facilitated adoption

Unlike other purely XML formats (such as UBL or CII), invoice-x offers a softer learning curve for businesses. By keeping a readable PDF, it makes it possible to maintain existing practices while gradually integrating automation.

  • Interoperability

One of the great assets of the billing-X is its interoperability. Thanks to its standardized format, it facilitates the exchange of invoices between companies, administrations and providers, via most software. This compatibility allows fluid integration in various management systems, avoiding the problems of conversion and incompatibility between platforms.

Bill-x Advantages
  • Save time and productivity

The exploitation of XML data integrated into the PDF document allows automatic processing of invoices in financial and accounting management tools. This considerably reduces manual seizure tasks and decreases the risk of errors.

  • Cost reduction

Being a so-called "electronic" invoice, the billing-x format makes it possible to delete costs which was once linked to paper bills. Goodbye to material costs (paper, ink, storage, etc.), treatment costs (reception, reading, classification, etc.) and various costs (human errors, late payment, etc.)

  • Acceleration of customer/supplier payments

The electronic format of the billing-X considerably fluidifies the billing processes between customers and suppliers, in particular thanks to its simplicity and its important automation. Thus, payments are issued faster while respecting the basic methods.

  • Better traceability and archiving

With Billed, the data being structured, recovery and classification of information is simplified. This facilitates compliance with legal archiving requirements and improves the auditability of transactions.

Installed Installation

How to set up the billing-X in your business?

  • Check the compatibility of existing tools

Before switching to this format, it is essential to ensure that your accounting management software or ERP supports generation and reading invoic-x invoices. Many GED and BI solutions publishers have already integrated this standard.

  • Choose an adapted solution

If your current tool does not support the billing-X, there are specialized solutions allowing to convert invoices to this format, or GED software, such as documents, natively integrating this functionality.

  • Form the teams

Although the billing-X simplifies the transition to electronic billing, it is essential to raise awareness and train financial and accounting teams in its use and profits.

  • Test and deploy gradually

A pilot phase with a few customers and suppliers makes it possible to check the correct integration of the billing-X before a complete generalization to all transactions.

The processing of incoming invoices with Docuware

Upon receipt of the document, Docuware detects its format and, in the case of a billing-X, automatically extracts the data present in the invoice and proceeds to a self-indexation. If the document is not structured, it is sent to an automatic document reading stage (LAD), where an artificial intelligence analyzes and interprets the data it contains.

All invoices received can thus be automatically classified in EDM and integrated into a validation process, until the payment of payment in connection with the accounts.

As a future PDP, Docuware will not only be limited to the treatment of invoices but will also be able to create and convert them directly to the invoic-X format if necessary.

Processing Incoming invoice invoicing

For a transition in all serenity

At the dawn of the electronic invoicing obligation in 2026, adopting the billing-X format represents a strategic opportunity for businesses. By combining the advantages of the PDF and structured XML format, it facilitates transition to modern and optimized document management. Anticipating its adoption now will comply with regulations while gaining efficiency and reducing administrative costs. Tools like Ged Docuware can facilitate this transition.

Is your business ready to cross the course of electronic invoicing with the billing-X? It's time to think about it and equip yourself to comply before the 2026 deadline!

Belharra Numérique, your trusted DocuWare integrator partner

Leader in EDM & workflow solutions, DocuWare also has 2 PDP partners to support you in your transition to electronic invoicing! Belharra Numérique is the leading DocuWare production capacity in France, with a team of 17 certified consultants, 150 active clients and more than 200 projects over the last few years. 

Belharra, Platinum Partner DocuWare, supports you in your dematerialization projects.

  • National presence
  • Networking
  • Certified team
  • Continuous innovation approach


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