9 out of 10 customers recommend Belharra Numérique

2022 customer satisfaction survey: 9 out of 10 customers recommend Belharra!

For 5 years, Belharra has chosen to set up a satisfaction survey sent to its customers every end of the year. 

This approach is an opportunity for us to build a strengthened, lasting, balanced and value-creating relationship with our customers.  

We devote particular importance to the opinions and recommendations of our customers to continually improve our experience and our expertise alongside them. 

Thank you to our customers for their participation and feedback! 

Results of the 2022 satisfaction survey

Overall Satisfaction 

Belharra obtains an average score of 8.4/10 for the quality of services provided to its clients (increase compared to 2021). 

95% of customers surveyed gave us a rating greater than or equal to 7/10. This gives a Net Promotor Score* (NPS) of 46, higher than the average NPS for our industry (Source: Clearly Rated). 

9 out of 10 customers recommend Belharra's services for their digital transformation project. 

Belharra positions itself as a major ally for businesses to make digital transformation a tool for resilience, an engine of growth and an accelerator of innovation. 

*NPS: index that measures brand satisfaction. It is calculated from the recommendation intention and the scores awarded.  

Recognition of our areas of expertise 

Our clients recognize our areas of expertise among our solutions and services offered: 

  • Application development: 22% 
  • Decision-making (reporting, budget simulation): 19% 
  • Collaborative (dematerialization, EDM, digital workplace, company portal): 21% 
  • Integration of services, middleware: 9% 
  • Maintenance and support (hotline, assistance): 29% 

Belharra Numérique is an essential link between technologies and users to match and reveal their respective potential.  

For our customers, Commitment (48%) and Sharing (41%) are the two values ​​that best represent Belharra.  Followed by Responsibility and Innovation (5% each).

Responsible Digital 

New this year in our survey, questions around Responsible Digital.  

As a company committed to the Responsible Digital label and signatory of the INR charter , we wanted to know the positioning of our customers on NR and CSR themes: 

  • 30% of our clients measure the Responsible Digital impact of their projects. Among them, 36% choose more ecological solutions  
  • 71% affirm that a company with the Responsible Digital label has a competitive advantage during a call for tenders 
  • 49% of our customers wish to be associated with our actions as part of our NR approach