Dematerialize Sales Administration

Dematerialize Sales Administration

Control your cash flow through rigorous control and effective management of your collection.

Are you looking to improve your financial management? Structuring and controlling your Sales Administration processes is a key step to reducing payment times and maximizing your profitability.

Based on a customer case in the Building sector, we will illustrate the essential functions for a dematerialized ADV service:

  1. Centralize commercial files
  2. Make it easier to check customer invoices
  3. Automate the sending of customer invoices
  4. Manage reminders more carefully and speed up payments
  5. Coordinate your action plans for monitoring late payments

Using an Electronic Document Management (EDM) solution makes it possible to store, control and manage the processing of a commercial file.

Dematerializing the ADV process allows you to anticipate future regulations (financial law) and meet traceability and “reliable audit trail” requirements in the event of an audit or dispute.

Such a project is also part of a Responsible Digital approach by limiting the use of paper exchanges and guaranteeing more targeted communication with your customers.

Find out more about the feedback from GESEC, a GIE which brings together 430 SMEs, which selected Belharra to deploy a shared GED solution for its members.

Belharra Numérique, your trusted DocuWare integrator partner

Belharra Numérique is the leading DocuWare production capacity in France, with a team of 17 certified consultants, 87 active clients and 112 projects in 30 months. 

Belharra, Platinum Partner DocuWare, supports you in your dematerialization projects.

  • National presence
  • Networking
  • Certified team
  • Continuous innovation approach