Cybersecurity and EDM: the Cloud to deal with threats?

Dealing with external threats

Data security is a major concern for all businesses, especially those that manage sensitive information such as customer data, financial data or intellectual properties. Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and businesses must constantly evaluate and strengthen their security measures to protect their data against internal and external threats.

In this context, electronic document management (EDM) has become essential for the efficient and secure management of data . And when EDM is combined with the Cloud, it can provide an additional level of security.


EDM in the Cloud, a more secure solution?

Documents stored in an EDM system may contain sensitive information such as financial information, personal customer data or confidential company information. It is therefore important to put appropriate security measures in place to protect this information against cyberattacks.

The choice between a Cloud or On-premise Electronic Document Management (EDM) solution depends on several factors, including security.

Generally speaking, the Cloud can offer better security than an on-premises solution, provided that the chosen Cloud provider offers adequate security measures.

For NeoLedge (publisher of EDM/ECM solutions), security is an area of ​​investment and a central activity in the company's strategy.

Discover through this white paper how NeoLedge ensures the security of your data on these EliseCloud and Illico offers!