How to have an efficient and responsible digital transition in 2024?

Responsible Digital as a vector of performance

The environmental and societal impacts of our daily practices (waste, mobility, industrial production, etc.) have led governments to take reforms and introduce regulations in order to reduce our environmental footprint. As with these practices, digital technology will not remain immune even though it consumes less energy ( greenhouse gas emissions Engaging in a Responsible Digital approach therefore becomes an opportunity for a company to ensure compliance and anticipate future laws.

However, building an efficient and responsible digital strategy requires choosing tools recognized for their productivity gains as well as their environmental, security and societal commitments.

According to the PAC/Numeum study, 91% of publishers and suppliers plan to intensify their commitment to responsible digital technology . This is why at Belharra Numérique we have decided to make a selection of publishers already involved in this process.

Responsible digital and performance

Integrate competitive and ethical tools

DocuWare focuses on data security

DocuWare, as a collaborative and scalable solution, leader in its market, supports SMEs and mid-sized companies in their digitalization through automated and customizable workflows. Responsible Digital has made its place within the publisher, particularly on the security aspect . Here are some concrete examples:

  • Docuware certifications: NF552 certification (GDPR compliance), NF203 CCFN (digital safe), ISO/IEC 27001.
  • Cloud security: Cryptography of data at rest, Accessibility of data by the team in charge of the Cloud via a separate network and a VPN connection, traceability of operations in audit logs, etc.
  • Energy saving: limitation of storage spaces thanks to the sharing of servers via the Cloud, centralization of information to limit the multiplication of files and documentary silos, rationalization of exchanges by reducing the number of emails and avoiding attachments.

Neoledge to respond to the REEN law

As publishers of Elise and Illico software solutions, Neoledge supports companies in their dematerialization, EDM/ECM and process optimization needs. Within the framework of the REEN law, the Illico solution makes it possible to support municipalities and public intermunicipal cooperation establishments (EPCI) with more than 50,000 inhabitants in the implementation of their Responsible Digital strategy, to be implemented from 2025.

The publisher is also committed to evolving and developing its other solutions in a responsible digital approach.

  • Development and modifications of new interfaces considering accessibility and digital inclusion as a fundamental pillar (simple interface, organization of information, automatic reading tool, adapted visual lighting, keyboard navigation, etc.)
  • Data storage in France with GDPR compliance.
  • Securing data through several processes (securing virtual servers at rest by encryption meeting organizational security and compliance requirements, encryption of data in transit, anti-intrusion strategy: firewall, authentication, robust passwords, security against viruses and malware, access traceability, etc.)
  • Regulatory compliance of Cloud offers with data centers based in France and certified HDS and ISO 27001.

IBM Analytics and its responsible approach

A global technology and innovation company, IBM is notably at the origin of 3 Business Intelligence solutions: Planning Analytics, Cognos Analytics and Envizi . These allow companies to centralize Data and optimize planning, budgeting and forecasting processes to ensure better decision-making. The performance issues advocated by IBM are also part of a more responsible approach in which there are multiple actions (notably the development of the Envizi solution for creating ESG reports).

  • Improved accessibility features on Cognos Analytics software for users with limited mobility or low vision via the Contributor plugin.
  • Addition of dashboards and conversion rules to IBM tools to allow CIOs to have access to environmental impacts when savings are made.
  • Optimization of IBM's activities and those of its partners via a “Responsible Digital” framework linked to data management. This framework integrates an evaluation model of 15 dimensions ( data responsibility management, legal aspects, data sharing methods, data life cycle, related processes, etc.)
  • Implementation of reasonable physical, administrative and technical protection measures for personal data (access control via roles, encryption of data in transit, contractual arrangements for partners, suppliers and third parties using the data.)
  • Implementation of an open source Carbone design system that creates consistent experiences, ease of use and accelerates design time.

Ensure compliance with laws

Laws already in effect:

It is made up of a set of articles aimed at raising awareness of the environmental impact of digital technology, limiting the renewal of terminals, promoting the eco-design of digital services, increasing the number of data centers and less energy-consuming networks. and develop a responsible digital strategy in the territories.

  • AGEC law (February 10, 2020)

The AGEC Law provides additional requirements, in particular on the share of digital purchases resulting from the circular economy in public services. A share which must amount to 20% minimum.

Belharra Numérique, labeled Responsible Digital Company

Belharra, a Digital Services Company, was labeled Responsible Digital in March 2023. This approach, initiated 5 years ago, takes on its full meaning in the current context of ecological transition (REEN Law).

Indeed, in an increasingly connected world, digital responsibility has become an essential issue. Businesses and organizations must integrate responsible digital practices to preserve the environment, ensure data security and promote ethical use of technology.

This is how Belharra supports its clients in their digital and sustainable transformation, through Responsible Digital.

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