Belharra at the e-py 2023 round table: What is Responsible Digital?

e-py 2023 Trophies!

The Republic of the Pyrenees and L'Éclair organized the e-py 2023 Trophies day on June 27 in Pau, the crossroads of the digital Pyrenees. 

Belharra Numérique, publisher of the e-SCM solution , recently labeled “Responsible Digital” by the LUCIE agency, was invited to speak at the event on the large round table: What is responsible digital? 

A moment of discussion where CSR managers from large groups took part : Emmanuelle Brechet from Total Energies, Alix de Luze from Emmaüs Connect , Julie Rudowicz from Enedis and Patrick Bourg from Belharra.


From SMEs to large groups...

Large groups deploy strategies! Like Enedis, which has included the approach in its CSR, or TotalEnergies, which is developing programs to reduce the footprint of its DATA. Julie Rudowicz, head of information systems for CSR at Enedis, spoke about the plan adopted by the electricity giant. For her part, Emmanuelle Bréchet, vice-president of Data Technologies at TotalEnergies, spoke about the company's policy at the French and global level. Finally, Alix De Luze from Emmaüs Connect shared good practices identified by the association.  

SMEs are also getting involved, this is the case of Belharra, which has won the “Responsible Digital” label. Patrick Bourg, the founder and director of operations, demonstrated how the approach has changed for our organization and for our customers.  

If you want to know more about our labeling, do not hesitate to read  Belharra obtains responsible digital labeling !


e-py Trophies

The e-py trophies reward start-ups or companies that launch digital initiatives in 9 categories, from communication strategy to best start-up or innovative project… 

It is an event that brings together businesses, local tech players, but also the general public.