Belharra, at the heart of “Responsible Purchasing” initiatives

Belharra, Responsible Third Party medalist!

We are pleased to announce that BELHARRA has obtained the Third  Party Responsible Silver medal as part of the Provigis certification .

This certification proves the conformity of your legal file (Art. D8222-5 of the Labor Code) with the official documents of business registration and regularity of social security contributions as well as the completeness of the standard CSR questionnaire.

It reflects our daily commitment to integrating our values ​​into the projects we carry out. 

Provigis Medal - Responsible Third Party 2023 Silver

For a lasting & responsible relationship

Belharra establishes relationships of trust with its customers and partners to ensure sustainable and responsible .

The challenges to be met for Belharra:

  • Facilitate our referencing with our customers and prospects
  • Make Belharra’s “Responsible” assets visible and make them areas of differentiation
  • Respect the Vigilance obligation and make it a real value-creating asset 
  • Require legal and CSR compliance from our suppliers, whatever their size


Created in 2009, the company Provigis was born from a working group of the Buyers' Club where the purchasing directors present discussed the merits and benefits of pooling which aims to only request the mandatory documents once. to a business.
supports companies in the process of implementing supplier monitoring practices in terms of compliance with legal and regulatory obligations. It is a trusted third-party partner between principals and their suppliers who supports its clients in their duty of vigilance.